
This page contains various files related to the posts on this blog

For several months, I have been getting revelation on the courts of heaven, much of which is contained in the graphic below. I must acknowledge those from whom I have learned so much – they are the real forerunners in this area: Ian Clayton, Robert Henderson, Stephen McKie, Justin Abraham and John Brown.

3 Responses to Files

  1. Catherine Hardy says:

    I am trying to get some infomations regarding material from John Brown on the court of heaven. The link above is not longer active. Do you have any more information

  2. Susan King says:

    Hey Robin,
    I just found your blog today and I want to thank you for your notes and graph on the court system. I have been seriously listening to Ian Clayton and Justin Abraham for many months and I was delighted to get more clarity from you. Even though I have known the Lord intimately for many years and have 4 years of Bible College, I feel like I know so little getting into this revelation teaching. Am very excited about the higher and deeper things God is revealing and I am so hungry! Bless you for what you are doing:) By the way, who is John Brown? Sounds like another teacher that I want to know…
    Blessings, Susan King from Colorado, USA

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